5 Things I Learned Being a Walt Disney World Cast Member

 It's been a year since I have made magic at the Walt Disney World resort. It has been a year since I put on my name tag, checked into my shift on CDS, and a year since I have had an active Blue ID. Those realizations are heartbreaking. My program ending is still such a sore wound. Time has helped healed it but there are still days where it feels like the scab gets ripped open and I question the "what ifs" and "should have beens." I never would have thought on March 15, 2020 that Disney would have stayed closed for four months, thousands of more cast members would be laid off, and that I still would not have had the opportunity to go back by this point. My program ending lead me into a really low point. There were a lot of tears, a lot of heartache, and a lot of unknowns. The days, weeks, and months following my program were hard but I have seen God's faithfulness through this whole process and so many unexpected blessings along the way. March 15, 2020 feels a life time ago but also just last week at the same time. 

Those two months I spent living and working at Disney World were the best two months of my life. They were filled with so many memories, so many magical moments, and so many lessons. I got to learn so much about the Disney company but there were so many lessons that the Disney company (or just the DCP in general) taught me. 


Your very first day "on the job" as a Cast Member is going through a class called "Traditions." This is an all day class where you learn about all of Disney's Traditions and how they have kept guests coming back year after year. At the end of the class you get your Blue ID and your Disney name tag symbolizing you are officially a Disney Cast Member. I learned SO much that day but all day long I felt so inspired by a quote from Walt Disney - "You can design, create, and build the most wonderful place on Earth but it takes people to make the dream a reality." Disney magic is a real thing but that magic doesn't appear without the thousands of cast members who work day in and day out both on and off stage making it happen. I got to learn from so many incredible cast members during my short time with the company and so many of them truly inspired me to be the absolute best cast member I could be. Cast Members are the magic so always be sure to take a moment out of your vacation to thank them, I promise you it will make their day. 


From the day I started looking into the Disney College Program I was learning patience. At first it was because I was not old enough for the program, then it lead into being patient for applications to drop. Then my patience was stretched even more while my application sat in received for 8 weeks. I got the dreaded email saying I was not accepted causing me to wait until the next application season. This season ended much happier with an acceptance (that I only had to wait 2.5 weeks for) but caused me to have to wait 3.5 months to move. I am not great at being patient so after all this "waiting" I was SO ready to start on the job, but that came with more waiting. I loved getting to sit in the classes learning about how to become a cast member but I was beyond excited to finally step on stage and start making magic. I had to have so much patience while learning the ropes of Asia Foods. There were so many new things I was learning so I knew I had to grace with myself and give myself time to learn. I failed hard. Dropping ice cream cones, spilling margaritas, burning my arm making dumplings, but I got better.  Patience also came in the form of guest interaction ;) I had an ice cream cone thrown at me because it was "too big" and had a guest who got upset because they couldn't get an Everest Fastpass, this list could go on and on. I loved my job and loved interacting with guests but Disney brings out the best in people ;) so I had to have extreme patience with them learning how I can best help meet their needs without upsetting them more. I'm still not great at being patient, but I definitely learned some good waiting skills while working at Disney World. 


Being a Cast Member and doing the DCP was a dream of mine for a long time. I was so ready to take on the opportunity I was offered but that didn't come without a little bit of hesitation and doubt. There were some days of training that I just wasn't sure that I was ever going to get the hang of it. But I got it and it felt SO GOOD. I become more confident talking to guests, answering their questions, making the perfect swirled ice cream cone, getting through a rush, making magical moments, and the list goes on and on. My confidence was tested when my leaders pulled me out of an assignment to work the Rivers of Light Show Bar. This assignment was just one person serving a limited menu to the guests coming to watch the show. I had no clue this was a thing, let alone that I could work it. It was a lot of new information and not a lot of time to learn it but I knew I could do it. That night while at the show bar one of my leaders came to check in and during some down time told me why I was chosen to work there. He told me that my leaders can see that I "just get the magic of Disney." Seriously one of the best compliments I've ever received and it gave me the confidence I needed to continue to step out of my comfort zone to learn as much as I could while being a Cast Member. Right before I was transferred to Blizzard Beach I was getting ready to train for Dessert Party. I had mentioned to my leaders that I would love to be trained there and they so they set it up to where I was going to be able to. I had found the confidence I needed to be the best Cast Member I could be. 


Going along with building my confidence was finding confidence to step out of my comfort zone. Starting from the very beginning my journey was filled meeting so many new people, doing things differently than how I was used to, and being comfortable with the unknown. I met so many amazing people during my program. From new friends, coworkers, and even guests, I had to step out and be comfortable with talking to new people. I wouldn't consider myself shy, but I also am not the type to talk to just anyone but this was such a rewarding part of my program. I had to step out of my comfort zone so many times during the two months I was there and it allowed me to not only grow as a Cast Member, but as a person in general. Taking new risks allowed me to make so many memories while on my program and taught me that it is okay to take a leap of faith every once in a while. 


The biggest thing that my program taught me was to always cherish every moment you're given. I am forever thankful I took fully advantage of the time I had in Florida. Sure there were some things that I wish I could have done but there are so many things I DID. I could count on one hand the number of days that I did not go to a park for fun. Out of 65 days I had less than 5 that I chose not to go to a park before or after work. I never let a day off pass without going to a park. Audrey and I decided part way through our program that we would choose somewhere nicer to eat at once a week. By doing this, I was able to eat so many fun places that I wouldn't have otherwise gone to. Those 65 days flew by and although there were some points that were not quite as magical as others, I never doubted how blessed I was to be there truly living out my dream. You never know what you have until it's gone and although there are a list of things that I didn't get to complete while living in Florida, since being back home I have learned that there are so many blessings no matter where you are. I have been able to do so many things I would have otherwise missed out on if I hadn't been living at home. I'm still not great at it, but I am working on trying to slow down and recognize all of God's blessings around me to truly live more in the moment. 

It's unreal that a year ago my life flipped upside down and everything I thought I wanted and had planned changed in a blink of an eye. Those memories are so vivid and still are hard to think about somedays. However, my good memories are vivid too. The friendships I've made (and have been able to keep over the past year), my park days, working, and just the nights driving home and seeing fireworks in every direction from all of the Orlando theme parks. It truly was a dream come true and I am SO thankful for the 65 days I was blessed with living 15 minutes from all the Walt Disney World theme parks. 

I am still hoping to go back to Florida and make magic again soon, but until then I am very content with where my life is at right now and enjoying cherishing every moment back home with all the people I love. :) I have a trip planned in the next couple months with some DCP friends that I am really looking forward to and hope to write about soon after! Thanks for reading! It felt so nice to be back on here spreading some pixie dust! 


