Some Sad "See You Later's"

Last weekend, Audrey and I hosted a Christmas party for the kiddos we babysit. It was so sad to tell them all bye since most of them we won't get to watch again until after we get home from Florida. Here are some of the sweet littles that make it so hard to leave- 

The Armstrongs- I've been watching Peyton and Lilli for almost 3.5 years and they have become so special to me! I've gotten to see them grow up and have so enjoyed the hours I've spent with them. I even got to spend some time at Disney World with them a couple years ago when our trips overlapped. Getting to watch them at my favorite place was so much fun and something I'll never forget! Over the next few months I am going to miss Lilli wanting to play with my hair (it's the best) and Peyton wanting to teach me some new dance moves he's learned (which is always comical). I'm so looking forward to seeing them in a couple months! 

The Muellers- Oh the Mueller boys! These boys and I have spent a lot of early mornings together since I typically watch them 2-3 times a week before school. Logan and Austin are so much fun and definitely keep me on my toes. Mornings won't be the same without making them breakfast, explaining why black pants and a navy shirt doesn't match, reminding them to make their beds, hearing Alexa tell them fart jokes, and playing football in the kitchen all by 7:30 am. 

The Fullers- Kashen and Lane are always so fun to play with! I've watched them for a long time and it's so fun to watch them both grow up! Kashen has a huge imagination and is always creating a new game to play. Lane has the sweetest smile and gives the biggest hugs. I'm going to miss them over the next few months! 

The Waltons- These kiddos are so sweet!! Tessa and Maddix are always so full of energy and are fun to be with!! Tessa is always willing to help out and play games that Maddix wants to and I just learned of Maddix's sweet dance moves at the party, haha! I have so enjoyed watching them over the past couple years! 

The Aucks- Evie and Sophia are such sweet girls!! I was bummed Sophia was unable to make it to the party but was glad Evie still came!! I've only watched these girls a couple times but they were always so fun and made me laugh so hard! 

The Cloughs- and finally the sweet sweet Clough girls! I was so fortunate enough to meet the Clough's through Little Learners and just adore their little girls. My days won't be the same without Harper running over with her arms wide open for a hug or getting to play peek-a-boo with Leighton Rae and hearing her belly laugh. I'm really going to miss these girls over the next few months!! 

I've been so lucky to have these kiddos in my life and although it will be a few months until I see most of them, I already can't wait for the next time I get to come over and play! 

Have a Magical Day!! 
xoxo, Hannah 
